Finance careers at FourVision

Finance & Accounting

​​​​​​​Work in Finance

Our finance department may be small, but it makes an impact! Being a finance expert is key to keeping our assets in order, balancing the books and enable profitability for long-term growth for our organization. 
join give
Growth  Be a part of our growth  by keeping track of our numbers.  Pay bills and send invoices to the correct people at the right time to ensure our growth and protect our financial integrity and stability!
take time away
Manage Know financial regulations of all the countries we are active in,  our stakeholders,  internal structure and brand values to perfectly manage our financial assets. 
stay healthy
Analyze Track hours worked and leave requested by all of our employees to ensure everything is running smoothly and as it  should. Analyze financial situations on a daily basis and stay on top of the latest regulations.
Numerical ability Numbers are your best friends, they give you the answers you need to analyze specific and general financial situations within the context of current regulations. You are meticulous, detail-oriented and always on top of the financial choices that are being made within our organization. 
Advise and convice You know what is required to adhere to financial and legal obligations and are not afraid to speak up and advise us on how to move forward. Overseeing the consequences of financial decisions comes naturally to you which helps you give solicited and unsolicited feedback when necessary!
What our people say "I enjoy controlling the numbers and organizing them in such a way that I  come out on top at the end of every day!" Oksana Ajzensjtark - Accountant